Thursday, March 12, 2009


I just wanted to take a moment to apologize to anyone who happens to check my blog on a fairly consistent basis (and I would be honored if people actually did that) about my long hiatus from posting sheet music. I've been absolutely swamped with work, school, colleges, and working on my own compositions for my band (even now I'm posting this from my iPhone at the downtown library doing an English research paper). Hopefully I'll be able to find some time either over spring break or just whenever there's a break in the entropy which is my life I'll be able to put a whole ton of transcriptions online to make up for my absence. Thanks for bearing with me, and I appreciate all the comments that you guys leave. Until next time.


  1. Awwwww....dude, i rely on you for all my sheet music. i check like, twice a week. well, update when you can.

    <3 laddie girl <3

  2. Thank you!!
    Ive just found this blog, and i´m DELIGHTED, especially with the MCR notes!
    Thanks again, and sorry for my english, i don´t speak it very well...

  3. I can't believe my eyes.... it's like someone took my playlist and transcripted it from beginning to end, song by song. I'm speechless..... Thank you for existing!!

  4. i love everything you do... i just found you, and you should be payed for everything you do... this is extraordinary, no, extortionately superior to anything i have ever gone too, keep up the good work, youve caught me, i just bookmarked your site, and i am crazy about this site now, because this is exactly the music i like, every single one... (even the ones i had to look up to know what they were)
