Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Bella's Lullaby - The Unofficial "Twilight" Version

READ: This is NOT the song used in the film, but this was the one I liked more, and was the other version considered for use in the film, before losing to the official lullaby.


  1. Oh God, that movie made me lose faith in all humanity.

  2. ...the books didn't? haha, but i figured it would be in demand, so I figured what better way to come out of a hiatus than with this.

  3. Ah, good plan.
    Umm, ok, this is how I feel about those books: I have a like/HATE relationship with the Twilight saga. They were meant for 14 year old girls. For that crowd, they're not so bad. So it's understandable why you'd hate it because you’re a guy with a more sensible taste in books than probably all of these girls. I've read all the books (out of pure curiosity), and frankly, she's a terrible writer. But, I think because the characters are just...well different than usual, as well as the plot, people get into it.
    BUT...after reading the last book, I wanted to unread the entire saga. It was terrible. I almost cried.
    So, I guess I was moderately intrigued by them. Still…they make me sad for all books and all characters.
    The movie was a downright joke though. It was just made for people to oggle at Robert Pattinson. It ruined MUSE too!

  4. Thanks for all these music sheets :)

  5. thanks for posting bella's lullaby, i got sucked into the Twilight series even though ya shes not the greatest writer, but she's very imaginative. Anyway while i was reading the book i had my own version of Bella's lullaby (i play the piano & flute) and even though i was really disappointed with the movie the music was still good so thanks

  6. Please e-mail me Bella's Lullaby and Miserable at best is A4
    thanks, i'd reallly appreciate it

  7. This is actually called "River Flows In You" by Yiruma. It brought tears to my eyes the first time I heard it. I learned it on piano a few months ago and I can't stop playing it :]

  8. hey..... u think u can upload more sheet music????? or just straight away give me the website u get all this sheet music.....tq very much!!!!!!

  9. to kSeliem. first **** you for saying she is a bad writer. no hard feelingd though. i'm sorry but you don't read four books out of curiosity. that so lame. i don't like twilight like all theese ****-up fans but could you ceep your lame comment to your self please. and it's not the movie this is about is about a piece of music so shut the **** up with your comments about the movie. like you hate on us we wil hate on you. plus this is you.
    "I read harry potter out of curiosity."
    "How many of them"
    "All of course"
    **** you
