Sunday, August 24, 2008

Theme - Jon Brion (Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind)

Great song.


  1. Awesome I've been looking for this for ages. Cool site. Keep posting more music and I'll keep visting. Good on ya.

  2. Thanks a lot!!!I've been looking for it for ages!

  3. this is one of my favourite songs.good job for posting it,i see you're into music with good quality.give me a sing if you would like to talk with me :)

  4. Thanks a bunch for posting this.
    Absolutely love the song, and most of Brions muic is awsome I think.

    I´m planning to play this at my sisters wedding, so now You really made my day :D

  5. dude i ll totally agree i wanna learn piano based on this movie score alone
    gud job =)

  6. its creepy how much I relate when I read your about me.

    and Zooey Deschanel is honestly the hottest piece this side of the Mississppi

  7. is it just me or is this completely and utterly wrong? i tried playing it and it sounds nothing like the the beginning the treble clef is "high-high-low" notes, exactly the opposite of the song.
    someone please tell me if i'm an idiot or if this tab is rubbish.

  8. Yay! Now I don't have to follow Youtubers' lessons at crappy camera angles! THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH! YOU ARE MY HERO!

  9. "someone please tell me if i'm an idiot or if this tab is rubbish".
    It's very simple! You idiot... and I too, cause I can't reading this... cause this tab is rubbish )

  10. How is this possible to play? Does the left hand have to keep jumping the whole time?
