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thank you so much for making this web site and putting the actual sheet music on it. i have a really hard time trying to fing the actual sheet music for things.
my mom likes photography too. along with reading books.
I write books.//"Within the Fires of the Lost" by C.C. Lee--on Amazon for le cheap. Check it if you'd like.//I also work in photography and film, and have an unhealthy obssession with both.//I adore all music and all possible manifestations of it; the parameters are boundless.//I'm open-minded and generally in recovery; hit me up if you just want to chat about stuff.//Quirky, witty, or sarcastically apathetic--will fall for them every time.
thank you so much for making this web site. i have a really hard time finding sheet musiuc with the actual notes on them from the song.
my mom likes photography too. along with reading books.
again thank you soo much for the sheet music.
thank you so much for making this web site and putting the actual sheet music on it.
i have a really hard time trying to fing the actual sheet music for things.
my mom likes photography too. along with reading books.
again thank you for doing this
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